(+03) 9939 1079


Mon: 1pm-7pm, Tue: 10am - 5pm, Wed-Thur: 8am - 5pm, Fri: 7am - 6pm, Sat-Sun: closed

Members: Team



Hello there, my name is Jessie. I have always had an undying love for doggies and am so lucky to be able to work with them. I have two Golden Retrievers who make my day every day, I couldn’t live without them. I am a very happy person, always wearing a smile on my face. […]

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Konnichiwa, my name is Miyabi, and I’m 23 years old. Although I was never allowed to have my own dog growing up, I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with my neighbor’s dog, which brought me so much happiness. Now, I feel very lucky to work at Groom-me as a dog washer. It’s […]

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Woof Woof and Hello My name is Grace and I am half Japanese and half Australian. I was born in Australia and from a young age I have had a special love for dogs, my parents tell me that they always knew I had a special connection to dogs. I am 29 years old and [...]

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I am Hannah. Originally I am from Queensland and moved down to Melbourne to live with my boyfriend. I was always scared of dogs until I volunteered at the RSPCA. I totally felt in love with all animals especially with dogs. Dogs are the most beautiful creature and so loving and giving. The purest animal [...]

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Guten TAG (Good day in German) My name is Lisa-Marie and I am the owner at Groom-me. I was born in Germany. I am able to finish every breed to breed standards. I love my job as I can work every day with dogs and do what I really enjoy. I have two dogs, their […]

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